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10 days after 2022.. Reflecting upon 2021

Reflecting upon 2021...

Another year has flown by. We may have hurtled towards 2022 at a rapid pace, but the level of excitement, challenge, and ambition that we are carrying along with us is nothing but slow.

Looking back on 2021, it started pretty well. I achieved some of my top goals for the year - both career-related and personal goals. I have come a long way in my self-discovery process, reflecting upon myself in every little action I take, and prioritizing my mental health over anything else.

But again and like many other people, there were entire days this year when the only human interaction I had was through a rigid screen.

The result has been the most unusual and difficult times of the year - not to mention the strangest too.

This year has been a strange and disorienting experience. My personal and social world has never been through this amount of highs and lows. It has never felt smaller than it did in the last twelve months.

Personally, 2021 was a year full of action scenes, it was full of monumental events with global repercussions including extreme personal events and several other rough times.

On a personal note, this means heading to work with a more oriented mindset, crafting a clear career progression path, thus, focusing on the big steps that will help me fulfill my career-related goals. I want to find a new rhythm in my life, a more structured one; helping me enjoy every aspect of life, allocating time to each, and realizing that balance comes first. I’d like to keep up my COVID-era habits of listening to podcasts daily, reading more often, watching lots of educational and motivational videos, and focusing on mental health within all corners of my life - from the lowest trough to the very highest peak.

I genuinely hope that 2022 turns out to be a year that helps us discover ourselves, self-reflect, and cherish our journey.

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